
SoA 2016-17 Student Awards

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

The School of Architecture announced the 2016-17 awards at a celebratory ceremony on graduation weekend, May 12, 2017. AIA Henry Adams Medal Undergraduate: Anna Anklin Graduate: Matt Allen AIA Certificate of Merit Award Undergraduate: Lucas Flint Graduate: Nazanin Modaresahmadi Alpha Rho Chi Bronze Medal Undergraduate: Anna Anklin Graduate: Emily Clodfelter Architectural Research Centers Consortium (ARCC) […]

Je’Nen Chastain

Categories: Alumni Spotlights Tags: Architecture

Founder Apostrophe Consulting, Raleigh, N.C.

Tactical Urbanism Class to Create Street Mural to Promote Pedestrian Safety

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

UNC Charlotte College of Arts + Architecture’s Tactical Urbanism Class has partnered with the Charlotte Department of Transportation (CDOT), and First Ward Elementary and the Charlotte Lab School on a project to promote urban vitality and safe pedestrian behavior along the walkways that connect the elementary schools and UNC Charlotte Center City. On Friday, May […]

Dr. Lee Gray Interviewed on National Public Radio, Here & Now

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

Dr. Lee Gray, Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of Architecture, was featured in a segment on National Public Radio’s Here & Now, which aired April 18. The segment, “What’s the most efficient way to ride an escalator?” began with a discussion of a study done by the London Underground on the most […]

SoA Announces New Minor in Architectural History + Criticism

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

The School of Architecture announces a new Minor in Architectural History + Criticism, which will be offered beginning Fall 2017. The program is open to students of any major and requires 18 credit hours. Students must maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.0 in all courses counted toward the minor. “The Minor in Architectural […]

SoA Team’s Winning Design Honors Orlando Shooting Victims

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

A UNC Charlotte team of School of Architecture faculty and students has won the 2017 American Institute of Architects (AIA) Small Project Practitioners (SPP) Small Project Design Competition. Sponsored by AIA National, the SPP Small Project Design Competition is open to architects, associate architects, and architecture students. The UNC Charlotte team is made up of […]

SoA Team’s Design Wins 2nd Prize in New York Build Competition

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

A design entry by UNC Charlotte School of Architecture students Naz Modaresahmadi and Robby Stubbs and faculty Peter Wong and Chris Jarrett (SoA director) won second prize in the New York Affordable Housing Challenge, an international architecture competition sponsored by New York Build 2017. The competition posed the question: “How do we use the limited […]

Symposium Will Address Affordable Housing Issues

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

The City.Building.Lab in the UNC Charlotte School of Architecture joins with the UNC Greensboro (UNCG) Department of Interior Architecture and Center for Community-Engaged Design to present Urban Complexities: Affordable Housing and Neighborhood Erasure. The full-day symposium will be held at UNC Charlotte Center City. Held in conjunction with the UNCG Novem Mason Symposium on Community-Engaged […]

School of Architecture Team to Compete in DOE Design Competition

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

A team of UNC Charlotte School of Architecture students and faculty advisors will compete in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) 2017 Race to Zero Student Design Competition. The competition challenges collegiate teams to design high-performance, energy-efficient housing in one of four categories: suburban single-family, urban single-family, small multifamily, and attached housing. It will be […]

SoA Announces 2017-18 Scholarships in Practice

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

The School of Architecture has announced the winners of the 2017-18 Scholarships in Practice. Launched in 2015, Scholarships in Practice are combined scholarship/internship programs created in partnership with the local offices of architecture firms. Each scholarship consists of $5,000 in tuition support and a market-rate full-time summer internship (Summer 2017), followed by a part-time nine-month […]