
New Book by Architecture Faculty Amplifies Diverse Voices

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

“Margin & Text” was published by Princeton Architectural Press in November.

Connections Across Cultures

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

International graduate student Amir Heydarpour receives his M.Arch. this month.

Professor Explores Repair as a Design Tool in Places Journal Essay

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

An essay by Assistant Professor of Architecture Kyle Spence is included in a series of “Field Notes” published this fall in Places Journal. Founded in 1983, Places Journal is a leading national platform for public scholarship on contemporary architecture, landscape, and urbanism.  Spence’s “Repair as a Paradigm for Design and Community Healing,” appears in the […]

Joel Fudge

Categories: Student Spotlights Tags: Architecture

Degree: Master of Architecture Graduation Year: 2026 Hometown: Hampton, VA How did you first get interested in architecture?I became interested in architecture at young age; my earliest memories are of my dad taking me and my sisters to home shows like Home-a-rama and the endless drives he would take us on to look at homes […]

Jonah Jones

Categories: Student Spotlights Tags: Architecture

Degree: BA in Architecture  Graduation Year: 2026 Hometown: Jacksonville, NC How did you first get interested in architecture?From a young age designing and crafting was something that provided joy for me. Art has always been a part of my life from a young age, whether it was dance, music, or craft. Prior to architecture, I […]

Hadley Melton

Categories: Student Spotlights Tags: Architecture

Degree: B.A. in Architecture and violin performance minor Graduation Year: 2028 Hometown: Fletcher, NC How did you first get interested in architecture and music?I spent my childhood playing with blocks, drawing the houses in my neighborhood, and staring out the window in awe at buildings on long car rides. So, when I first heard the […]

Will Linville, AICP CNU-A

Categories: Alumni Spotlights Tags: Architecture

Program Manager of the Charlotte Urban Design Center

SoA Director to Present at Biomimetics Conference

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

Blaine Brownell will present research from his book, Hypernatural.

Garrett Herbst

Categories: Alumni Spotlights Tags: Architecture

Project Manager and Architect at Little Diversified Architectural Consulting Education: BS in Architecture, University of Buffalo (2015)Master of Architecture, UNC Charlotte (2017)  Hometown: Webster, NY Garrett Herbst is a project manager and architect at Little Diversified Architectural Consulting in Charlotte, where he oversees commercial projects from initial design through to documentation and construction. He has […]

Riley Decker

Categories: Student Spotlights Tags: Architecture

Hometown: Lafayette, Indiana Degree: M2 Master of Architecture track with a dual Master’s degree in Critical Heritage Studies Graduation Year: 2026 How did you first get interested in architecture? I had the opportunity to take introductory engineering courses in high school, and I originally thought I would end up in civil engineering at Purdue University. […]