
Professor Receives Graham Foundation Grant for Freelon Project

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

Emily Makas will co-edit a book about the life and work of architect Phillip Freelon. Associate Professor of Architectural History Emily Makaš, with her research partner Arthur J. Clement, has received a 2024 grant from the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts. The $10,000 grant will fund archival research and additional preparations […]

Alum Named to CBJ’s “Most Admired CEO” List

Categories: News Tags: Art & Art History

Devlin McNeil ’00 is president and executive director of Arts+. Devlin McNeil had already had stints in banking and as a stay-at-home mom when she enrolled at UNC Charlotte to nurture a passion for photography that she had first developed as a student at Myers Park High School. When she graduated in 2000 with a […]

CoA+A Faculty and Alumni Receive Creative Mecklenburg Grants from ASC

Categories: News Tags: Art & Art History, COA+A, Dance, Music

Faculty and alumni from the College of Arts + Architecture are among 54 artists to receive 2024 Creative Mecklenburg Grants from the Arts & Science Council (ASC). The grants were open to Mecklenburg County-based artists of all disciplines and provide funding of up to $3,000. Grantees represent creative disciplines from visual art and music to […]

Professor’s New Book Examines the Implications of Enclosed, Air Conditioned Spaces

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

A new book edited by Assistant Professor of Architecture Liz McCormick considers the many impacts of air conditioning on the built environment and on human health and behavior. Inside OUT: Human Health and the Air-Conditioning Era, published this spring by Routledge Press, presents an interdisciplinary, holistic analysis of the social, behavioral, and technological issues of […]

Grad Found His Voice on Charlotte Stages

Categories: News Tags: COA+A, Music

“There are so many great opportunities as a result of being in Charlotte,” says Christian Souza. “Say yes to everything that you can.” His openness to opportunity has placed Souza, who graduates this month with a Bachelor of Music in vocal performance, on stages and in spaces across the city and in competitions along the […]

Professor’s New Book Brings a Theatrical Perspective to the Study of Churches and Temples

Categories: News Tags: Theatre

Bloomsbury Publishing has today released European Churches and Chinese Temples as Neuro-Theatrical Sites, a new book by Professor of Theatre and Film Mark Pizzato. It is his eighth book. Drawing from his extensive research and travel in Europe, China, and the Holy Land, Pizzato examines more than 80 religious buildings, with a wealth of visual […]

Grad’s Next Chapter Could Be a Cinderella Story

Categories: News Tags: COA+A, Theatre

You could say that Kiana Vazquetelles owes her very existence to UNC Charlotte. Years before she entered the University as a freshman theatre major, her parents were themselves Niners. Vazquetelles’s father, Darren, played shortstop for the baseball team; her mother, Dee-Dee, cheered on the dance team. Both were psychology majors. After graduating they married and […]

Design Research Class Collects Local Design History

Categories: News Tags: Art & Art History

As they complete their spring semester, students in Christina Singer’s Design Research class have published what will be the sixth digital book to emerge from the Department of Art & Art History’s graphic design program since Singer joined the department in 2021. CLT Graphic Design History: A Collective Research Effort, Vol. 6 is a delightful […]

Theatre Alumna Caridad Svich Wins Guggenheim Fellowship

Categories: News Tags: Theatre

Caridad Svich ’85 has received a 2024 Guggenheim Fellowship from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. Svich, who was appointed in the field of Drama and Performance Art, is one of 188 international recipients chosen from more than 3,000 applicants through a rigorous application and peer review process. “Humanity faces some profound existential challenges,” said […]

Professor’s Research Reconstructs Ephemeral Stages of 18th-century French Diplomacy

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians (JSAH), the leading English-language journal on the history of the built environment, has published an article by Assistant Professor of Architectural History Matthew Gin. “Staging Sovereignty: Ephemeral Architecture and the Entry of Maria Teresa Rafaela into France, 1745” appears in Volume 83, Issue 1, the March 2024 […]