Cherish Rosas

Workplace Experience Design Lead, LinkedIn, NYC
Bachelor of Arts in Architecture, UNC Charlotte (2011)
Bachelor of Architecture, UNC Charlotte (2012)
Hometown: Woodleaf, N.C.
Although she lives in Manhattan, Cherish Rosas’s work with the Design+Build team at LinkedIn keeps her travelling. She is currently leading the company’s New York and Chicago expansion projects, as LinkedIn expands to the third floor of the Empire State Building in Manhattan and the first and second floors of its Chicago location. Next she will lead an environmental graphics project in the London office. The company is headquartered in California, with offices throughout the U.S., Europe, Australia and the Middle East, and Rosas is steering the global rollout of digital wayfinding and signage standards to increase efficiency in all of the sites.
Rosas is grateful for the openness of the School of Architecture. “It’s a multi-faceted program where any creative can find what they love – craft, skill, or medium – and let it drive their education, tapping into potential they may not have known they had,” she says. Summer study in Nova Scotia with Brian MacKay-Lyons and Peter Stutchbury kindled her love for design/build projects.
The education in the School of Architecture is “worth every bead of sweat,” says Rosas. “The School of Architecture gave me five years of passion, challenge, rigor, and influence. I learned what it is I love about design and the built environment, how to collaborate with my peers, and, eventually, how to manage my time and talents.”