
Professor’s Project Named Finalist in International Competition

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

Visiting Assistant Professor of Architecture Jeffrey Nesbit’s proposal, “Aquatic Resiliency,” has been named a finalist in the NYC Aquarium & Public Waterfront international design competition. Sponsored by arch out loud, the open idea competition attracted 565 participants with 178 proposals from 40 countries across six continents. Twenty-four projects were chosen for recognition, including three winning […]

Student Receives AIA COTE Top Ten Award

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

Architecture student Jessica Nutz, mentored by Assistant Professor Dr. Kyounghee Kim, has received a “2016 International COTE Top Ten for Students” Design Competition Award. Open to accredited schools in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, this international competition is sponsored by the American Institute of Architects Committee on the Environment (AIA COTE) in partnership with the […]

Project by SoA Professor and Students in Buffalo Art Exposition

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

A project by Dr. Charles Davis, assistant professor of architectural history and criticism, and students of the School of Architecture will be part of the echo Art Fair, a juried fine art and design exposition in Buffalo, NY. The pieces, Carpenter Brownstone and Thespian Brownstone, will make up one of four installations in the “Light […]

SoA Announces 2016-17 Scholarships in Practice

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

Three architecture students have been awarded Scholarships in Practice for the 2016-17 academic year: Scott Barber: BB+M Scholarship in Practice Yagmur Ersayin: C DESIGN Scholarship in Practice Dean Crouch: CLARK NEXSEN Scholarship in Practice The “Scholarship in Practice” is a combined scholarship/internship program that has been established in partnership with local architecture firms. Rising fifth-year […]

Professor and Alum Receive MANY Award of Merit

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban Design Deb Ryan, with co-author and School of Architecture alumnus Frank Vagnone, has been awarded the Individual Achievement Award 2015 by The Museum Association of New York (MANY). The award is in recognition of producing a significant body of work of note over the last seven years: “The Awards […]

Terry Shook, FAIA

Categories: Alumni Spotlights Tags: Architecture

Founding Partner and Principal of Shook Kelley, Charlotte, NC and Annual Lecturer at Harvard University

Kimberly Watts

Categories: Alumni Spotlights Tags: Architecture

Associate Architect, Gehry Partners, LLP, Los Angeles

Architecture Students Receive Diplomas from China

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

Congratulations to architecture students Kel Cooper and Nathalie Slobodiuk, who have received diplomas to mark completion of the Masters of Architecture from the College of Architecture and Urban Planning at Tongji University in Shanghai, China. Kel and Nathalie are the first students in the three-year Masters of Architecture II dual degree program that UNC Charlotte […]

Sean Gallagher

Categories: Alumni Spotlights Tags: Architecture

Associate Principal at Diller Scofidio + Renfro, New York

Rachel Keeton

Categories: Alumni Spotlights Tags: Architecture

Architect and Researcher in the Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management at the University of Twente in the Netherlands