
MUD Director Named an “Emerging Voice” by Architectural League NY
Master of Urban Design Director Sekou Cooke’s studio has been named a 2022 Emerging Voice by the Architectural League of New York, an annual juried award that recognizes North American individuals and firms “with distinct design voices that have the potential to influence the disciplines of architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design,” the announcement states. […]

Architecture Professor Wins National Teaching Award
Assistant Professor of Architecture Liz McCormick has won a 2022 ACSA/AIAS New Faculty Teaching Award conferred jointly by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) and the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS). The award is one of the Architectural Education Awards given annually by the ACSA. “Each year, ACSA honors architectural educators for […]

CoA+A Announces 2022 Distinguished Alumni
The College of Arts + Architecture (CoA+A) will honor five Distinguished Alumni on Friday, March 18, in the eighth annual celebration of alumni achievement. The award ceremony will take place at 11:30 am in Robinson Hall for the Performing Arts and will be open to the public. The Distinguished Alumni Awards were created by the […]

Professor Wins Competition to Author Next “Pamphlet Architecture”
Assistant Professor of Architecture Catty Dan Zhang has won first prize in the Pamphlet Architecture competition, an international competition that will award Zhang a $5,500 honorarium to develop her proposal and the opportunity to produce the next book in the Pamphlet Architecture series. Founded in 1978, Pamphlet Architecture is one of the most prestigious architecture […]

Zachary Tate Porter
Architect, Lincoln, NE

Book by Professor, Alums, Examines Effects of Social Media on Urban Space and Community Action
Professor of Architecture Eric Sauda and School of Architecture alumni Alireza Karduni and Ginette Wessel recently published their book, Social Media and the Contemporary City (Routledge). The book focuses on the interplay between social media, local communities, and urban space in a variety of political and economic settings related to social activism, informal economic activity, […]

Architecture Student Wins First Prize in International Competition
Architecture graduate student Christina Slotkowski was recently awarded First Prize in the Re-imagining the Artefact student competition for her entry ” Re-imagining the Southern Porch, The Infinity Porch: A Gathering of Community.” Hosted by the Architectural Humanities Research Association (AHRA) at the 2021 annual conference at Loughborough University in London, the international competition attracted more […]

Mayor Appoints Professor to Neighborhood Equity and Stabilization Commission
Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles has appointed Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban Design Nadia Anderson to the newly formed Charlotte Neighborhood Equity and STabilization Commission (Charlotte’s NEST). The commission was established by the recently adopted 2040 Comprehensive Plan and is part of the city’s efforts to address the displacement caused by gentrification. Charlotte’s NEST is […]

Students Turn Basketball Courts Into Beautiful Art
A group of urban design and architecture students have transformed the basketball courts at Alexander Street Park into vibrant street murals in a partnership with the Charlotte Urban Design Center, an office in the City of Charlotte’s Planning, Design, and Development department. The student group, representing Master of Urban Design (MUD) students and students in […]

Professor’s Book Published by Routledge
Associate Professor of Architecture Jefferson Ellinger’s book, Philosophical Difference and Advanced Computation in Architectural Theory: From Less to More was recently published by Routledge. Ellinger’s book “presents a new take on the evolution of digital design theories in architecture from modernity to today, as they have been inspired both by contemporary philosophy and the emergence […]