
Students and Faculty Attend Regional ACDA Conference

Categories: News Tags: Dance

More than 20 students and four faculty from the UNC Charlotte Department of Dance participated in the Mid-Atlantic South Regional Conference of the American College Dance Association, held March 15-18 at Johnson C. Smith University in Charlotte. The Mid-Atlantic South Regional Conference represents schools from North Carolina, Virginia, and West Virginia. Professors Rachel Barker, E. […]

SoA Team’s Design Wins 2nd Prize in New York Build Competition

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

A design entry by UNC Charlotte School of Architecture students Naz Modaresahmadi and Robby Stubbs and faculty Peter Wong and Chris Jarrett (SoA director) won second prize in the New York Affordable Housing Challenge, an international architecture competition sponsored by New York Build 2017. The competition posed the question: “How do we use the limited […]

Recent Dance Alum Will Pursue Movement Therapy Graduate Degree

Categories: News Tags: Dance

UNC Charlotte Alumna Christina Hudgins (class of 2016) has been admitted to the Master of Arts in Dance/Movement Therapy and Counseling program at Columbia College, Chicago. At UNC Charlotte, Christina earned Bachelor of Arts degrees in Dance and Psychology and a Professional Dance Training Certificate with Charlotte Ballet. She was a member of the Honors […]

Symposium Will Address Affordable Housing Issues

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

The City.Building.Lab in the UNC Charlotte School of Architecture joins with the UNC Greensboro (UNCG) Department of Interior Architecture and Center for Community-Engaged Design to present Urban Complexities: Affordable Housing and Neighborhood Erasure. The full-day symposium will be held at UNC Charlotte Center City. Held in conjunction with the UNCG Novem Mason Symposium on Community-Engaged […]

School of Architecture Team to Compete in DOE Design Competition

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

A team of UNC Charlotte School of Architecture students and faculty advisors will compete in the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) 2017 Race to Zero Student Design Competition. The competition challenges collegiate teams to design high-performance, energy-efficient housing in one of four categories: suburban single-family, urban single-family, small multifamily, and attached housing. It will be […]

Department of Music Presents Requiem of Solace

Categories: News Tags: Music

The Department of Music, in partnership with the Steinway Gallery of Charlotte and the Sorel Foundation, will present Requiem of Solace on Friday, March 17, at 7:30 p.m. in Belk Theater, Robinson Hall. A musical meditation on death and life, the program includes Johannes Brahms’s A German Requiem, sung in a new English translation, and […]

SoA Announces 2017-18 Scholarships in Practice

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

The School of Architecture has announced the winners of the 2017-18 Scholarships in Practice. Launched in 2015, Scholarships in Practice are combined scholarship/internship programs created in partnership with the local offices of architecture firms. Each scholarship consists of $5,000 in tuition support and a market-rate full-time summer internship (Summer 2017), followed by a part-time nine-month […]

Brazilian Dancer/Choreographer in Residence in April

Categories: News Tags: Dance

The Department of Dance will host Brazilian master teacher, choreographer, and performer Vera Passos for a 10-day residency in April. During the residency, Passos will lead masterclasses for UNC Charlotte students, teach a dance class at Myers Park High School, and provide two public workshops at UNC Charlotte on April 5: Silvestre Dance Technique and […]

Theatre Department Hosts Sean Graney March 13-18

Categories: News Tags: Theatre

The Department of Theatre will host Chicago-based theatre artist Sean Graney for a residency March 13-18. While at UNC Charlotte, Graney will visit classes during the day and lead an intensive new play development workshop in the evenings. The residency will culminate in a public reading of The Aristophanesathon on Saturday, March 18, featuring students […]

Waterkotte and Kenar Featured in “Outliers” Exhibition

Categories: News Tags: Art & Art History

As part of Outliers: The Art of Printmaking, an exhibition at the Westobou Gallery in Augusta, Georgia, Assistant Professor of Print Media Erik Waterkotte and part-time faculty Anna Kenar were invited to create a site-specific installation in the gallery windows. Outliers was organized by Chadwick Tolley of Augusta University in conjunction with the 2017 Southern […]