
U.S. Premiere Directed by Theatre Professor Robin Witt Wins Rave Reviews

Categories: News Tags: Theatre

The U.S. premiere production of Cordelia Lynn’s play, Lela & Co., directed by theatre professor Robin Witt at Chicago’s Steep Theatre, has received rave reviews from Chicago theatre critics. The play opened on July 13 and runs through September 2. Cordelia Lynn is a young and highly acclaimed British playwright. Lela & Co., which played […]

“Bob Trotman: Business as Usual” Opens September 8

Categories: News Tags: COA+A

“Making the bottom line the top priority puts enormous pressure on human values. It is a practice that has long characterized the corporate world, and now, increasingly, also characterizes government policy. What becomes of those who are caught up in this system, either as perpetrators or victims?” Bob Trotman The UNC Charlotte College of Arts […]

SoA Faculty Present at National and International Conferences

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

Faculty members from the School of Architecture have presented papers and projects at national and international conferences this summer. Nadia Anderson presented “Gentrification: The New Urban Renewal, Cherry, Charlotte, NC” at the 48th Annual Conference of the Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) at the Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center in Madison, WI, June 1-4. […]

Faculty Present at ATHE 2017 Conference

Categories: News Tags: Theatre

Associate Dean of Performing Arts Services Dean Adams and three faculty members from the Department of Theatre presented at the 2017 Annual Conference of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE), held August 3-6 in Las Vegas. Dean Adams served as a senior scholar on several panels as part of the Musical Theatre and […]

Theatre Professor Wins 2017 Princess Grace Award

Categories: News Tags: Theatre

Assistant Professor of Physical Theatre CarlosAlexis Cruz has received a 2017 Works in Progress Residency Award from the Princess Grace Foundation. The award will fund a residency next March at the Baryshnikov Arts Center in New York City. During his residency, Cruz will further develop his one-man show, Pícaro, a physical theatre take on the […]

Music Faculty to Perform New Dance-Opera Based on James Joyce

Categories: News Tags: Music

Faculty in the UNC Charlotte Department of Music will perform the world premiere of a new “dance-opera” on Saturday, August 19, at 7:00 pm in the Johnson Studio Theater at Winthrop University. Wake—Lucia: a Joycean operatic rite explores the complicated relationship between James Joyce and his brilliant daughter, Lucia. Inspired by multiple works of James […]

Dance Students Present at Research Symposium

Categories: News Tags: Dance

UNC Charlotte dance students Makayla Church, Anna Edwards, and Tracy Heim presented research projects during the Summer Research Symposium, held on July 26 on the UNC Charlotte campus. The Charlotte Research Scholars program provides undergraduate students funding to participate in a 10-week research program. Scholars receive faculty-guided research training and participate in weekly professional development […]

New CD Features Jazz Studies Director Will Campbell

Categories: News Tags: Music

Dr. Will Campbell, professor of saxophone and the director of the UNC Charlotte jazz studies program, is featured on a new album to be released next month. Don’t Blink is the second CD by the Unhinged Sextet. The members of the jazz sextet, which formed in 2014, come together from across the country – the […]

Architecture Students Design and Build Installation for Chicago

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

Students in Marc Manack’s graduate summer studio have designed an installation in response to research by Archeworks, a Chicago-based lab dedicated to public interest design. The project is a spatial response to Archeworks’ Social Construction research on the complex social, psychological, and emotional dimensions of public housing, housing insecurity, and social injustice. Between July 30 […]

Voice Student Places Third in National Competition

Categories: News Tags: Music

Music major James Matens earned third place in the Lower College / Independent Studio Men category at the final round of the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS) 2017 National Student Auditions, held on Friday, July 21, at the University of Colorado-Boulder College of Music. Matens, a bass, is a student of Dr. Brian […]