Faculty & Staff – Theatre

Dean Adams
Senior Associate Dean of Performing Arts Services
Dance, Music, Theatre
Bruce Auerbach
Professor of Scenic and Lighting Design
Jessica Bilgrad
Adjunct Professor of Theatre
Jill Bloede
Part-Time Lecturer in Theatre (Acting, LBST Studies)
Marla Brown
Part-Time Lecturer in Theatre (Acting, Dramaturgy)
Tom Burch
Associate Professor of Scenic Design
Meena Carr
Assistant Technical Director for Performing Arts Services
Dance, Music, Theatre
Rob Conkie
Robinson Distinguished Professor of Shakespeare Studies
Robinson 365
Lynne Conner
Professor of Theatre
Carlos Cruz
Associate Professor of Physical Theatre & Director of the Master of Fine Arts Program
Theatre, COA+A
Rachel Engstrom
Lecturer, Costume Lab Supervisor/Dance Designer
Dance, Music, Theatre
David Fillmore
Professor of Lighting Design
Theatre, Dance
Matthew Fraiser
Lecturer and Technical Director, Performing Arts Services
Dance, Music, Theatre
Hannah Harrell
Performing Arts Academic Advisor
COA+A, Dance, Music, Theatre
Hali Hutchison-Houk
Performing Arts Services Production Manager
Dance, Music, Theatre
Robinson Hall
David Janowiak
Chair, Department of Theatre
Margarette Joyner
Visiting Assistant Professor of Costume Design
Robinson 303D
Ronald McClelland
Visiting Assistant Professor of Acting
Robinson 303C
Rick Moll
Senior Lecturer, Production Electrician
Dance, Music, Theatre
Jay Morong
Senior Lecturer, LBST & Film Studies
Beth Murray
Associate Professor of Theatre Education
Gordon W. Olson
Lecturer, Lighting Design and Technical Production; Lighting Designer
Dance, Music, Theatre
Liz Paradis
Audience Services Manager
Dance, Music, Theatre
Mark Pizzato
Professor of Theatre and Film
H. Tesh Ramey
Arts Education Specialist
COA+A, Dance, Music, Theatre, Art
Beth Rucker
Performing Arts Business Services Coordinator
Dance, Music, Theatre
Tyisha Stafford
Office Manager, Theatre
Benjamin G. Stickels
Senior Lecturer in Audio Engineering; Audio Engineer; Assistant Production Manager
Dance, Music, Theatre
Laura Waringer
Assistant Professor of Musical Theatre
Robinson 303D
Rachel Watkins
Lecturer, Stage Management
Dance, Music, Theatre
Nicole Whitaker
Athletic Trainer, MS, LAT, ATC
Dance, Music, Theatre
Robin Witt
Professor of Directing
Liz Wooley
Performing Arts Operations Manager
Dance, Music, Theatre
Robinson 158