Liz Wooley

Liz Wooley
Liz Wooley is a (rare) Charlotte native, graduating from East Mecklenburg High School. After graduating in 1999, she started her higher education at UNC Greensboro in the BFA Theater Education program. After deciding she did not want to pursue education, she transferred to UNC Charlotte where she graduated in 2006 with a BA in Theater. From there she joined the local theater community primarily as a stage manager at various theaters including Actors Theater of Charlotte and CPCC Summer Theater. At night she was a stage manager, but by day she was working in Corporate America at Wachovia Securities from 2004-2009. After this job relocated to St. Louis, and she did not, it was a great opportunity to go back to school to gain her MFA in Performing Arts Management at UNC School of the Arts. This allowed her the great benefit of working with the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra as their Operations Manager from 2011-2017. After many long hours and late nights, she decided a career change was needed and found herself at the NASCAR Hall of Fame, a division of the Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority, from 2017-2022 as the Operations Manager. These wonderful years of experience in operations have now prepared her to take over the Performing Arts Services Operations Manager position for the Robinson Hall, Rowe Arts, and Johnson Band Center. She is grateful to have found this new home back in the performing arts and looks forward to having more time to spend with her family and her cat Azrael.