Urban Design Students from UNC Charlotte and Tongji University Develop Joint Project

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

A group of graduate students from the College of Architecture and Urban Planning at Tongji University, China, have come to Charlotte to work on a joint urban design workshop with students in the School of Architecture MUDD 6102 Advanced Urban Design Studio, led by Assistant Professor Ming-Chun Lee. The students are collaboratively developing plans for a North End Smart District, with advice from two urban designers from the City of Charlotte, Grant Meacci and Rachel Stark. Prior to the Chinese students’ arrival in Charlotte on February 26, the two classes traveled together to Seattle (WA) and Portland (OR) on a field study. The students will present their proposals in a formal review on Thursday, March 1, at UNC Charlotte Center City. Guest reviewers will include UNC Charlotte architecture alumnus Terry Shook, of Shook Kelly, and Professor Emeritus David Walters.