New SoA Professor’s Firm Receives Emerging Voices Award

Categories: News Tags: Architecture

SILO AR+D, founded by new Assistant Professor of Architecture Marc Manack, has recently received recognition as one of North America’s most promising new architecture firms. In February 2016, SILO AR+D won an Emerging Voices Award from the Architectural League of New York, one of eight practices honored. The online magazine Archipreneuer also named SILO AR+D one of the “10 best architecture start-ups in 2016.”

SILO A+R has been praised for design-build projects like Reflects, a treehouse installed in the Cleveland (Ohio) Botanical Garden, which was shortlisted for the 2015 World Architecture News Small Spaces Award, and “theatrical” designs like the glowing Mood Ring House in Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Manack founded SILO A+R in 2009 and since 2012 he and partner Frank Jacobus have operated the architecture, research, and design practice out of Cleveland, Ohio, and Fayetteville, Arkansas. They will now add Charlotte as an operational center.

Manack’s research focuses on the relationship between design processes, project delivery, and organizations of practice. He is interested in how that relationship is affected by emerging cultural and technological phenomena that lead not only to advanced possibilities for expression in architecture, but to a new understanding of what constitutes the product of architectural practice. He has taught previously at the University of Arkansas Fay Jones School of Architecture, Kent State University College of Architecture and Environmental Design, and at Ohio State University’s Austin E. Knowlton School of Architecture, from where is he is also a graduate.