Professor Designs World’s Fair of Money Medal

Associate Professor of Illustration Jamie Franki designed the official medal for the 2019 American Numismatic Association (ANA) Chicago World’s Fair of Money. Held August 13-17 in Rosemont, Illinois, it was the ANA’s 128th Anniversary Convention. The medal features Abraham Lincoln framed by stalks of wheat inspired by the “wheat” penny on its obverse; the reverse side depicts the hybrid tea rose known as the “Mister Lincoln.”
“Abraham Lincoln has been the subject of numerous renditions in medallic relief,” Franki wrote in The Numismatist, the magazine of the ANA. “For this work, my goal was to construct a new portrait based on a broad collection of images – not just photos, but sculptural renderings as well.”
A recipient of the 2011 American Numismatic Association’s Presidential Award, Franki is a prolific designer of coins and medals. He is a former master designer in the United States Mint’s Artistic Infusion Program. In 2005, his American Bison Nickel reverse design was selected for a six-month minting and received the “Coin of the Year” award for most popular coin; the following year his Jefferson 1800 nickel obverse design was featured on America’s historic forward-facing circulating coin.
Franki was one of three finalists for the 2019 UNC Charlotte Bank of America Award for Teaching Excellence. As area coordinator, he has built the illustration concentration into the second most popular studio art major in the Department of Art & Art History.
“He constantly pours his life and love into each and every student, whether you’ve known him for years or minutes,” said senior art major Noah Hartley. Read more about Franki in the Inside UNC Charlotte Faculty Spotlight.