University Chorale to Tour Italy

Categories: News Tags: Music

The University Chorale will undertake its fifth international tour, July 7-22, with stops in Rome, Venice, and the Italian Riviera. The program will feature a 10-day artistic residency in the Italian coastal region of Liguria, where the students will collaborate in rehearsals and performances with three local music organizations, culminating in three performances in Bordigherra, Isolabona, and San Remo.

The students will then travel to Rome, where they will visit World Heritage sites that have a significant connection to choral music, including St. Peter’s Basilica and the Sistine Chapel, and perform in the Santa Maria della Scala church, a venue well known to choral groups for its superb acoustics and breathtaking architecture. The final leg of the tour will be to Venice, home of Western polyphonic music and the Conservatorio di Musica Benedetto Marcello di Venezia (St. Mark of Venice Conservatory of Music), the Chorale’s long-term collaborator and host in the region.

The University Chorale, under the direction of Dr. Randy Haldeman, is open through audition to students from any major in the University. The Chorale performs on campus and in the Charlotte community multiple times a year and tours regularly.