Bachelor of Music

Program Description

The Bachelor of Music (B.M.) offers students six concentrated areas of study: Choral/General Music Education, Instrumental/General Music Education, Composition, Instrumental Performance, Jazz Studies, and Vocal Performance.

The concentration in Choral/General Music Education is designed for vocalists who wish to become public school choral directors or general music educators. The curriculum consists of 31 credit hours of General Education; 61 credit hours of studies in music, including basic musicianship and performance studies; and 29 credit hours of professional education courses that lead to a K-12 teaching license in the State of North Carolina. The culminating experiences for this degree are a Senior Recital and Student Teaching.

The concentration in Instrumental/General Music Education is designed for instrumentalists who wish to become public school band directors, orchestra directors, or general music educators. The curriculum consist of 31 credit hours of General Education; 59 credit hours of studies in music, including basic musicianship and performance studies; and 29 credit hours of professional education courses that lead to a K-12 teaching license in the State of North Carolina. The culminating experiences for this degree are a Senior Recital and Student Teaching.

The concentration in Composition is designed for students who are planning careers as composers of contemporary art music. The curriculum consists of 41 credit hours of General Education; 41 credit hours of music composition and basic musicianship; and 40 credit hours of supportive courses in music, including ensemble participation and performance studies. The culminating experience for this degree is a senior composition project.

The concentration in Instrumental Performance is designed for instrumentalists who are planning careers as performing musicians. The curriculum consists of 41 credit hours of General Education; 36 credit hours of study in the major area of performance, including performance studies, ensemble participation, pedagogy, and recitals; and 40 credit hours of supportive courses in music, including basic musicianship. The culminating experiences for this degree are a Junior Recital and a Senior Recital.

The concentration in Jazz Studies is designed for instrumentalists who are planning careers as jazz musicians. The curriculum consists of 41 credit hours of General Education; 42 credit hours in the major area, including performance studies, ensemble participation, studies in composition, arranging, and improvisation, and recitals; and 34 credits of supportive courses in music, including basic musicianship. The culminating experiences for this degree are a junior and senior recital.

The concentration in Vocal Performance is designed for vocalists who are planning careers as performing musicians. The curriculum consist of 49 credit hours of General Education; 36 credit hours of study in the major area of performance, including performance studies, ensemble participation, pedagogy, and recitals; and 42 credit hours of supportive courses in music, including basic musicianship. The culminating experiences for this degree are a Junior Recital and a Senior Recital.

The Department also offers a Bachelor of Music with Elective Studies in an Outside Field, a distinctive degree designed for students who want to combine intensive training in music with the focused exploration of another discipline.  The curriculum consists of 33 credit hours of General Education, including a COAA 1101; 25 credit hours of Musicianship Courses, including music theory, ear training, piano and music history; and 26 credit hours of Performance Courses, including applied lessons and ensembles.  Additional requirements include 8 credit hours of upper division music elective courses and 18 credit hours in a single outside field, such as business, communications, film studies, etc. The culminating experience for this degree is a Senior Project. 

Admission Requirements

Students wishing to pursue a Bachelor of Music degree must audition prior to acceptance as a music major. Please visit “Music Admissions” for information about that process.