Valerie DaPolito

Hometown: Buffalo, NY

BA in Music Education with a concentration in Choral and General Music K-12 Graduatio


How did you first get interested in music?
I have been in choir my entire life, and I played violin in orchestra for 10 years! I knew going into college I wanted to study something I was passionate about, so I chose music! I knew I did not want to perform, but I wanted to work with students, so music education was the perfect combination for me! 

What kind of career do you hope to have?
I hope to teach general K-5 music, although I am not opposed to teaching high school choir. In addition, I want to get my masters degree in music therapy at some point, so I would also love to work in a hospital setting and be a board-certified music therapist! 

What is your favorite thing about UNC Charlotte?
I love UNC Charlotte, CoA+A, and the Music Department because they are all student-focused and I feel as if the faculty I interact with are always looking out for my education and my success. I learn so much from the knowledgeable Music Department faculty. I also love CoA+A because we are encouraged to explore and get to know the other departments within the college. For example, I am currently in Ballet I and I’m LOVING IT! 

Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts community? 
On campus, I am a part of University Chorale, the Charlotteans, NRHH, and I was a Resident Advisor in North Village for 2 years! I also hold a social media position for the Music Department and I am a Communication Consultant for the Music History I course! 

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
I like to watch new TV shows, take my dog to parks and on hikes, online shop, and dance!