Study Abroad

Study Abroad
Led by faculty member Kim Jones, this program is designed for first-time international travelers and seasoned visitors alike. This two-week intensive study abroad program immerses students in the various dance styles of Baroque/piedmont regional dances, modern dance, ballet, and Gravity Pilates. This journey provides an in-depth look at the culture and Baroque architecture of northern Italy. Our time there will include guided tours of the city, a taste of Italian food with the locals of Turin, and time in the Cinema and Egyptian museums.
We hope to offer this program again for the summer of 2025! Please advise that some details may change for next year. Let us know if you’re interested in attending to receive an update when applications reopen.

Visit UNC Charlotte’s Office of Education Abroad for more information on the program as well as using financial aid to help pay for the program and scholarship opportunities.
This course is designed to help you develop skills and perspectives to enable you to connect environment and contemporary culture to dance technique; gain an in-depth understanding of dance history by exploring baroque dance forms; to gain experience-negotiating differences via cultural exchange. Along with a daily studio component, you will attend international dance performances, and view important baroque architecture, and visual art that only northern Italy can provide. Classes will be conducted at Arkè, in Turin, Italy. Coursework includes practical dance classes, Gravity Pilates classes, cross-cultural activities, performances, class discussions, and an opportunity to meet accomplished artists, studio owners, and administrators.
Sample Schedule (Summer 2024)
Date | Activity |
Saturday, May 25 | Depart from the U.S. |
Sunday, May 26 | Arrive in Turin, Italy, Meet at hotel, Group welcome dinner |
Monday, May 27 – Friday, June 7 | Studio/movement- based classes at Arkè Danza school in the morning & afternoonCultural activities, excursions, or performances in the evening – to include an Italian cooking class, a visit to the Teatro Regio, museum visits, and more! |
Friday, June 7 | Group farewell dinner |
Saturday, June 8 | Program ends in Turin, Return to the U.S. |

Details: Rolling admission. Undergraduate participants may receive credit for DANC 4001: Topics in Dance: Connecting the Past to the Present: Baroque to Modern Dance (2 Credits). Accommodations will be provided throughout the program. This cost is included in the program fee. Hotel in Turin: Hotel Alpi Resort (see below).

Read first-hand experiences from former students on our Baroque to Modern Dance blog!