Departmental Honors in Art History

The optional Honors credential may be awarded to students with a minimum overall GPA of 3.00 and a GPA of at least 3.25 in Art History courses (candidate must meet GPA requirements to apply to program and maintain them to graduate with the departmental honors designation).

Additionally, to receive honors in Art History, a candidate must:

1.) Approach an Art History faculty member with your desire to apply to the program and discuss your expected area of research/topic.

2.) After securing an Art History faculty member’s agreement to serve as your thesis advisor, register for ARTH 3115 Honors Art History Methods , and earn an A in that course. During the course, complete the Application For Admission to Candidacy Form.*

3.) Earn an A in “Problems in Art History” seminar.

4.) Register for ARTH 4700, Honors Art History Thesis, and present an honors thesis based on in-depth research in primary sources to a committee composed of three members, at least two of whom must be Art History faculty. An honors candidate may fulfill requirements 3 and 4 either in sequence, or concurrently during the same semester, as schedules demand.

All Art History Honors Candidates must submit to the Honors College an Application to Candidacy Form with a thesis proposal by the deadline the semester PRIOR to the semester in which they expect to complete the thesis. This process includes review of the proposal by Honors Faculty and sometimes requires revisions. Students will craft the proposal and complete the application process during the ARTH 3115 Honors Art History Methods seminar. However, it is the student’s responsibility to complete these requirements by the submission deadline for the Honor’s college. The Application to Candidacy process is required before taking ARTH 4700 Honors Art History Thesis. For more information, including the form, deadlines, and guidelines, see: Failure to follow this procedure will result in denial of graduation with honors.