Information for Interested Employers & Partners
Thank you for your interest in employing student interns from the Department of Art & Art History, a relationship that can benefit both parties. As you provide students with professional mentoring and experiences, they will bring their energy, classroom training, and fresh ideas to the workplace.
Student internships can be paid, completed for course credit, or both. Although not required, internships that are paid will attract more applicants. Students can receive up to 3 credits for 120 hours completed during one semester (8 hrs a week for 15 weeks), or one summer session (24 hrs a week for 5 weeks). Specific work schedules (days/times) are determined by the intern and the employer.
NPO Partnerships: As part of the CoA+A Paid Internship program, we regularly partner with non-profit employers to share the expense of hiring student interns. If you qualify and are interested in partnering with the Department or College to establish a paid internship, please email our Director of Collaborative Works, Wendy Fishman .
Employer Guidelines
If you are seeking interns in studio art and/or art history, please refer to the Art & Art History New Intern Employer Questionnaire. If you have any further questions, please email the Art Program Coordinator.
If you are seeking interns in Graphic Design, please refer to the G Design Intern_Employer Guidelines & Responsibilities. If you have any further questions, please email the Graphic Design Program Coordinator.
In addition, please reference UNC Charlotte’s Employer Policies page.
If you are employing a student intern from UNC Charlotte for the first time, then you will also have to complete the New Employer Questions. These will be provided by the student intern along with the Employer Contract after you have interviewed and offered them a position.
Job Description: Employers must provide a detailed job description at the onset of the process. In addition to the listing of duties, responsibilities, and desired qualifications, it should also include proper performance goals, objectives, and specific information regarding pay.
Where to Post: The best way to attract applicants is to utilize the University Career Center and to post the description in Hire-A-Niner, a free database that students and alumni use to find opportunities. Their helpful staff are available to answer questions via email
When to Post: In order to receive course credit, students must register at the beginning of the semester that they are completing the internship. Therefore, it’s best to advertise during the previous semester or summer. (i.e. post a fall internship in April, and a spring internship in November)
Non-Internship Requests: The College of Arts + Architecture promotes arts and design as engines of civic imagination through distinction in creative teaching and research, artistic performance, and community-driven work. If you’re interested in being considered for a community project with the Department or College that does not meet the criteria for a semester-long internship, then please visit the Community Requests page for more information.