Arin Garcia McCormack

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art with a Concentration in Illustration; Bachelor of Arts in International Relations


Give a little general information about yourself: how did you become interested in the arts/design?
I’ve always been interested in illustration and collage design. I was always passionate about comics and how they use design to make covers and panels so eye-catching that you have to pick them up, while also using images to amplify a certain story or feeling. I started getting into collages as a way to incorporate pictures from urban exploration, and, as a medium, I found that collages allowed me to be very expressive in terms of creating work that could feel more eerie or nostalgic. 

What kind of career do you hope to have?
I hope to be able to have a career in journalism where I can accompany my articles with my own illustrations and work. I’d also like to be able to self-publish my own comics and maybe some screenplays in the future as well.

What is your favorite thing about the College of Arts + Architecture?
My favorite thing about the College of Arts + Architecture is how supportive we all are of each other. Everyone is so open and welcoming towards each other, and I’ve met some of the sweetest and most talented people in the Illustration department and in the College as a whole. It’s meant a lot to be able to meet and work with other queer students, I’ve learned a lot from others and also found people I really connect with. I’ve learned so much about the process that comes behind making art, and different creative processes and ways of doing things.

Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts community?
I’m currently working as Writers Director for Midas Magazine this year, as well as an assistant editor for the Niner Times. I was lucky enough to have an article and illustrations published in last year’s Spring Midas Edition, on a story about Mexican and Latin American ghost stories. I’m a member of our University’s Forensics club here on campus, and our student theatre club, STAR. My first experience working with the Charlotte arts community was actually during the Of Earth And Sky Project over the past year, where the city of Charlotte collaborated with poets and artists to make a poem anthology and exhibit work. 

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
I love to explore abandoned places, and I also enjoy making music, I play piano and guitar. I’m also a huge horror movie fan!