Christian Souza

Hometown: Anchorage, Alaska

Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance and a Minor in Communication Studies


How did you first get interested in music?
I grew up in church, so I was always surrounded by music. I was also lucky enough to go to high schools that prioritized art and music when considering budgets. 

What kind of career do you hope to have?
Ideally, I’d love to do opera full time, and I’d love the opportunity to give private lessons.

What is your favorite thing about the Department of Music?
As a member of the Chair’s Advisory Committee for the music department, as well as the CoAA Equity Council, I really love how much of a priority it is within the College to bring works by underrepresented communities to the forefront of people’s minds, especially in the case of performing solo repertoire. The music department has such a skilled group of voice faculty who have been really great resources when it comes to varying styles of music coming from people in different communities and walks of life. 

Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts community?
I’ve had the opportunity to perform alongside peers at UNC Charlotte as well as Central Piedmont Community College, Davidson College, and Queen’s University in varying choral or opera performances. I’m also a paid performer at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church in uptown Charlotte where I’ve been able to perform alongside musicians who work with the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra. In addition to that, I’ll be working with Opera Carolina this season with their Opera Xpress program, bringing learning to life through musical storytelling with students, teachers, and families. 

Can you talk about your experience as a scholarship student?
This year I was the recipient of the John H. and Martha Barnes Robison Music Scholarship. Being awarded this scholarship will give me the opportunity to put one hundred percent of my focus in school as well as performing opportunities in the area, instead of having to worry about finances for the year. 

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
I love to spend time outdoors as often as possible, whether that’s hiking, swimming, or just laying out in the sun with a book.