Melanie Rushing

Hometown: Matthews, NC

BA in Theatre and a minor in Sociology


How did you first get interested in theatre?
My sixth grade class did a production of The Wizard of Oz. I originally auditioned to be in the musical but unfortunately I was cut. I wanted to be a part of the musical in any way so I asked my teacher and she said I could help with sound. With it being middle school that meant I played the soundtrack from a disc along with running the microphone for the whole prediction. I really enjoyed this because it gave me a glimpse into all the effort it takes to be able to put on any sort of production whether it’s a play or musical. I have been doing technical theatre ever since.

What kind of career do you hope to have?
My career goal would be to create and design costumes for professional productions. I prefer putting together the costumes but sometimes I like to see what I can design on my own.

What is your favorite thing about  the College of Arts + Architecture?
My favorite thing about the College of Arts + Architecture is how easy it is to get involved with the shows being put on. I feel any major is free to be wardrobe or even stage management if they wanted to. Currently I am doing wardrobe for The Caligari Project, and I love how everyone in the show shares the same love for theater as I do.

Can you talk about your experience as a scholarship student?
I was awarded the Theatre Scholarship for 2023-24. The major benefit is having my full tuition covered for the fall and spring. Having my tuition be covered gives me more time to pursue my hobbies, such as sewing and crocheting. I also feel less stressed because I am not worried if I am working enough at my job to pay my tuition. With this being my first scholarship I have received I feel a lot of doors have opened for me. Especially within the theater department I feel I am more passionate about learning and more prone to volunteering within the community. 

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
I like to crochet and do crossword puzzles!