Sarah Vojnovich

Hometown: Raleigh, NC

Bachelor of Fine Arts, photography concentration, and Minor in Art History


How did you become interested in the arts?
I became interested in the arts/design as a potential career in 7th grade when my parents asked me to focus on what I wanted to do with my life. The different career options I thought of at the time were architect, art historian, art museum curator, art educator, and graphic designer. In high school, I was focused on doing Art History as a career until someone came in and bashed the entire career and degree (even though she was working as a restoration artist at the time), and due to that experience, I switched my focus to Graphic Design.

Wingate University was the first college I went to and graduated from, and while I originally started there pursuing my BFA in Graphic Design, due to the university getting rid of the Art majors and Art department, I ended up graduating with a BS in Communication Studies and a minor in Art. After having some trouble finding a job in Communications, I ended up going to and graduating from Wake Technical Community College with an AAS in Advertising and Graphic Design. Due to the pandemic, I lost my job as a graphic designer and couldn’t find another job in that field as a recent graduate. I always knew I was meant to do something in the arts/design, and thankfully, coming to Charlotte has been the best decision I’ve ever made.

 I’ve found professors that are extremely skilled in their respective fields with a strong desire for their students to learn, experience, and transform the art world. Without the encouragement and dedication to their craft that I’ve found in my professors, I know that I would be lost right now. A sincere and heartfelt thank you to the amazing COA+A faculty and staff!! You all are so wonderful to learn from and expand skills with!

What kind of career do you hope to have?
I hope to have a career in an art gallery as either a curator, museum educator, or accessibility coordinator. I am also open to teaching elementary and high school students and eventually teaching college students as I plan to pursue a master’s and doctorate.

What is your favorite thing about the Department of Art & Art History?
My favorite things about the Department of Art & Art History are getting to learn about different topics and how they still relate to our world today. I recently finished a class with Dr. Emerling where we focused on how the past is never truly the past, but rather it melts and combines with the present – never truly going away and never truly being forgotten.

Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts community?
I am currently interning with the Mint Museum in both the uptown and Randolph locations as an intern for Human Resources and the Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility. Some of the things I have already completed are newsletters for June, July, and August, and a 2023 Fiscal Year calendar. I am currently working on a DEIA Five-Year Strategic Plan and a DEIA resources website for internal usage. I also have two pieces featured in the Mint Museum’s uptown location in the Star Gallery! I am also involved with the Charlotte community through my sorority, Sigma Alpha Omega, and working as an Art Gallery Attendant with the Popp-Martin Student Union Art Gallery.

If you are in the Arts + Architecture Honors Program, please share one thing that you have gained from that program.
I am not in the Arts + Architecture Honors Program, but I plan to do the Honors Program for Art History from 2023 to 2024. My thesis will be on the importance of accessibility in the arts and why artists with disabilities should be taught in the classroom in the 21st century (a combination of both Art History and Art Education).

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
When I’m not in class, studying, or working, I like to binge-watch BonesBridgertonHorrible Histories, and Buzzfeed Unsolved: Supernatural. I also love going to see musicals (Six the Musical is next on my list to see!) and visiting the Charlotte area parks. One of my personal goals is to go to self-defense training classes this upcoming school year!