New Books from Art & Art History Faculty

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Three professors in the Department of Art & Art History have published new books this year.

Associate Professor of Art Education Jane E. Dalton recently published a co-edited book, The Whole Person: Embodying Teaching and Learning through Lectio and Visio Divina (October 2019) with Rowman and Littlefield publishers. Her artwork also appears on the cover of the book.

Associate Professor of Art Education David A. Gall recently published Countering modernity: toward a nondualist basis for art education (Amherst: Teneo Press, August 2019). The text examines social theory and history affecting art education, focusing on the competing legacies of modernity/modernism and countermodernity/countermodernism.

Associate Professor or Art History Angela Herren Rajagopalan published Portraying the Aztec Past: The Codices Boturini, Azcatitlan, and Aubin (Austin: University of Texas Press, December 2018). Dr. Rajagopalan also presented a paper, “Reading Between the Lines: An Indigenous Account of Conquest on the Missing Folios of Codex,” at the 66th annual meeting of the Southeastern Council of Latin American Studies in March 2019, which was subsequently published in the journal Iberoamericana.