Sarika Merchant

Sarika Merchant

Teaching Fellow, Architecture

Sarika Merchant is a teaching fellow at the David R Ravin School of Architecture at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She recently received her masters degree from the same program. During her masters studies she delved into studying architecture through the lens of its purpose within a community and within its environment. She taught as a lab instructor for Dr, Azarbayjani’s Environmental Systems Principal class while exploring the implementation of visual coding into the field of architecture to create sustainable buildings for the future.

She worked with a team and Studio Dickey to create Gold Rush, a temporary public art sculpture. The installation is reminiscent of a metallic sparkle by gold mirrored panels that generate shimmering reflections and dancing light patterns. The overall form of the installation encourages interaction and spaces for people to photograph during their visit. This project was presented at the Arts in Society conference in Krakow, Poland.