Student’s Work Accepted into Tri-State Sculptors Member Show

A sculpture by senior art major Erin Nicholas has been chosen for exhibition in the members’ show at the 40th anniversary Tri-State Sculpture Conference, to be held October 25-28 in Greensboro, N.C. Erin’s sculpture, “Deliverance from Anxiety,” will be on view at the Center for Visual Artists gallery at the Greensboro Cultural Arts Center.
Erin is pursuing her BFA in ceramics. She describes her work:
“‘Deliverance from Anxiety'” is a visual representation of how I see anxiety as a social wall. The curved lines on the lower half of the sculpture represent anxiety, because of the variety of curves interlocking with one another, while also being evenly spaced at the contact points. This combination of chaos and organization relates to anxiety because organizing can quickly lead to a chaotic feeling from overthinking. On the upper half, there are two different figurative forms. The smaller form represents myself, while the larger figure represents a God figure, who is seen as delivering the smaller figure from anxiety. The blue light silhouetting the larger figure emphasizes the power of deliverance and hope while contrasting the black of the sculpture, with hope scattered throughout the sculpture represented by the white lines painted along the curves. I hope that this sculpture encourages the viewer to take a second look on how they can cope with any anxiety they might have.”