
The Charlotte Observer

Dr. Takiyah Nur Amin, Assistant Professor of Dance Studies at UNC Charlotte, co-edited a recently-published issue of Conversations Across the…

Music alumni Matthew Primm and Meredith Butterworth are launching a new initiative, the Particular Ensemble, to give music performance opportunities…

The Charlotte Observer

Chicago Sun theatre critic Hedy Weiss named London Wall, directed by UNC Charlotte Assistant Professor of Theatre Robin Witt, among…

A lost dance by modern dance master Paul Taylor, reconstructed by Associate Professor of Dance Kim Jones, was recently reviewed…

Thirteen UNC Charlotte dance students will attend the annual North Carolina Dance Education Organization Conference on January 28, 2017, to…

Associate Professor of Art Maja Godlewska and Assistant Professor of Music Jessica Lindsey have been awarded 2017 Regional Artist Project…

This winter, students in the Department of Dance have the opportunity to experience and study dance in New York City….

The Fine Arts Building (FAB) Gallery at the University of Alberta, in Edmonton, Canada, presented a solo exhibition by UNC…