Alum Wins 2021 AAF Silver Medal Award

Graphic design alumnus Banks Wilson (’01) has received the 2021 AAF Silver Medal Award from the Charlotte chapter of the American Advertising Federation (AAF), the highest honor in the local American Advertising Awards (ADDY). The AAF Silver Medal Award was established in 1959 to recognize those who have made outstanding contributions to advertising and who have been active in furthering the industry’s standards, creative excellence, and responsibility in areas of social concern. Every year, AAF chapters choose one member of the local advertising community to receive the honor.
Wilson is the president and creative director of the award-winning digital marketing agency Union, Charlotte’s third-largest advertising agency with more than 70 employees.
“Since founding Union, Banks has used his unique mix of analytical and creative thinking, strong visual aesthetics, and insights into digital consumer behavior to establish the agency as a regional leader in digital marketing and advertising,” cites the award nomination. “Under his leadership, Union has won numerous awards for excellence in creativity, technology and is one of Charlotte’s top places to work.”
The award recognizes advertising professionals for their creative ability and their contributions to their company, the general field of advertising, and their local community.
“In an industry where loyalty and authenticity are always in demand, Banks continues to exemplify both, making him an influencer and leader in both his industry and community,” the nomination states. “From working to improve education, inspiring young talent, and devoting his time and resources to local organizations seeking to impact positive change, Banks is well aware of the power of one person to elevate those around him, create opportunity, and to provide a future for those less fortunate.”
Wilson was a featured guest speaker last fall in the Entrepreneurial Decisions speaker series, “Arts & Design in the Marketplace,” co-presented by the College of Arts + Architecture and the Belk College of Business.
2021 AAF Charlotte Silver Medal Award – Banks Wilson from Union on Vimeo.