Vincent Vaccaro

Hometown: Concord, NC
Bachelor of Music, Concentration in Jazz Studies
How did you first get interested in music?
I grew up with a family that was very passionate about music. All of my family members had played an instrument at some point and had an appreciation for higher forms of music. My parents always told me that learning an instrument was a good skill, so I started playing the trumpet in 6th grade and played with the concert band in middle and high school. During this time, I was introduced to jazz music by my older siblings, who played in their high school’s jazz band, and fell in love with the genre. When I started going to high school, I started taking music more seriously, and joined the school jazz combo, getting a better understanding of music theory. Eventually, what was once a hobby became my dream career, and ever since coming to UNC Charlotte, I have not regretted going down this path!
What kind of career do you hope to have?
I hope to become a full-time jazz musician and play in a combo or a big band, potentially traveling the world to perform. Obviously things may change, but nonetheless I am excited to see where life takes me!
What is your favorite thing about the Department of Music?
My favorite thing about the Department of Music is that the community here is very close! I feel like I truly belong with this one big friend group that is this department.
Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts community?
Sophomore and junior year of high school, I had taken part in the Jazz Arts Initiative summer camp for two summers. This camp actually took place on campus, so it was my first experience at UNC Charlotte!
When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
I enjoy playing video games. I also like acting. I acted in high school and now do improv acting on campus. Most importantly, I love hanging out with friends!