Mojdeh Harlan

Manager of Talent Acquisition, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools
Bachelor of Arts in Dance Education, UNC Charlotte (2000)
Master of Arts in School Administration, Gardner-Webb University (2006)
Hometown: Vom, Nigeria; grew up in Hawaii
While a student at UNC Charlotte, Mojdeh Harlan “developed an incredible passion for educating all students, regardless of demographic and socioeconomic status, to learn to use their bodies to communicate and create.” Professors Delia Neil and Pamela Sofras, in particular, cultivated her passion for teaching dance and challenged and inspired her. “I enjoyed my time at UNC Charlotte, the dance and education classes, the student concerts, and the incredible staff that were focused on our growth in all aspects.”
After graduation from UNC Charlotte with a degree in dance education in 2000, she began her career as the first dance teacher at Crestdale Middle School in Charlotte, a post she held for six years. At that time she created exemplary lessons, partnering with the Capturing Creativity lesson modules created for teachers by the North Carolina Dance Theatre Education Department. She also received the Dance Educator of the Year award from North Carolina Dance Theater (now Charlotte Ballet).
“I am very grateful to have spent six years teaching dance at Crestdale, having built a great dance program where students loved dance and understood that dance was an art form for all students regardless of gender,” she says.
Desiring to grow and stretch her “wings,” Mojdeh went on to graduate school, receiving a Masters in School Administration for Gardner Webb University. She became an assistant principal at Jay M. Robinson and in 2012 a successful principal at Berewick Elementary School, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools. During her time at Berewick she worked to create a neighborhood school environment focused on student achievement and continued to support all arts education for children under her leadership. As principal, she was committed to “making gains in student achievement in a nurturing, student centered culture, where students are challenged and supported.”
More recently, Mojdeh has become the Manager of Talent Acquisition for Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools.
Mojdeh was the recipient of the Department of Dance 2016 Distinguished Alumni Award and served on the College of Arts + Architecture Advisory Group.