Kat Fletcher

Hometowns: Atlanta, GA and San Diego, CA
BA in Theater Performance, BA in Spanish, and Certificates in Musical Theatre, Spanish-English Translation, and Business Spanish
How did you first get interested in theatre?
My introduction to performing actually happened by chance! I wasn’t the most outgoing when I was younger, but my grandma, who sang her whole life, always encouraged me to engage with music and theatre. When I reached middle school, I auditioned for an improv group on a whim and something just clicked. After that, I spent the rest of middle and high school practically living in the drama and choir rooms, and when I wasn’t in rehearsal, I was singing and dancing around my room. I moved cities almost every year of grade school, so theatre was my way of connecting with my peers in each new school and finding people who shared this passion.
What kind of career do you hope to have?
What speaks to me about theatre is the connection between a text and the story it tells, so my dream career is one where I get to combine my love for languages with my love for storytelling. I find myself most drawn to acting, whether that’s straight plays or film/TV work, but I’ll be happy as long as I keep creating and collaborating in a way that gives back to the community! Outside of the arts, I’m currently studying to be an interpreter, so working on a performance piece in a foreign language is my big bucket list item.
What is your favorite thing about the Department of Theatre?
What I love about Charlotte’s Department of Theatre is the level of connection with peers and faculty. Every time I go to Robinson Hall, I run into one of my friends or professors, and I’ve always felt genuinely appreciated and valued by those around me. I’ve also been very impressed by the flexibility in curriculum! Since I enjoy tech theatre and performance, I’m able to take courses in both subject areas and explore new interests, which is really unique.
Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts community?
I’m a member of the Student Advisory Committee for the Department of Theatre and an officer for STAR (Student Theatre at Robinson), both of which aim to increase student engagement and provide more involvement opportunities within the arts on campus. Since I recently moved to the Charlotte area, I hope to increase my off-campus involvement in the future.
Can you talk about your experience as a scholarship student?
I’m a recipient of the McKay/Stone Scholarship and the Belk Performing Arts Scholarship, which have allowed me to prioritize my studies and growth as an artist.
When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
In my free time, I love going to thrift shops with my friends and repurposing the weirdest pieces we can find. I’m also a huge nerd when it comes to languages, so you can always find me on Duolingo!