John Thornton

Hometown- Raleigh, NC

B.A. in Music and B.S. in Computer Science


How did you first get interested in music?
My sister played bass clarinet while she was in high school and encouraged me to join my middle school band. After being in a large middle school band, I transferred to a small middle school where I was only one of two clarinets. This smaller middle school is where I fell in love with playing. At the time, learning that the chromatic scale on clarinet repeats the fingerings in the first two registers blew my mind. It’s mind-blowing learning opportunities like these that continue to motivate me to push myself in my music making.

What kind of career do you hope to have?
I want a career that gives me enough time to enjoy and engage in the arts around my community. Although I hope my full-time career is as a software engineer for a tech startup, I want music to be a priority in my free time. The arts have, and always will be, important to me. 

What is your favorite thing about The Department of Music?
My favorite thing about the Music department is its willingness and enthusiasm to grow. That enthusiasm has only become more apparent as I’ve invested time in the Wind Ensemble, the Clarinet Studio, and other CoA+A students! Part of my motivation for enrolling at Charlotte in the first place was growing as a musician in a growing department in a growing school. I can say now that I’ve seen my growth as a musician and as a person because of how the Music department and CoA+A have encouraged togetherness, support systems, and mental health awareness.

Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts community?
It’s in the early stages, but I am building a performing group of solely Clarinetists called “Clarinets IN Unison ”. I hope that this not only forms a bridge between all of the ensembles at Charlotte that include clarinets, but also bridges the gap between Clarinet players. Contributing to the Music department in this way gives me a sense of purpose and builds motivation for all of the amazing Clarinet players in PNNMB, the Symphonic Band, and the Wind Ensemble. 

When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
Charlotte is a massive city. Finding local stores and restaurants is something that I look forward to every time I am with family or friends in Charlotte. La Caseta, Los Chamos, and Piada are some of my favorite restaurants. Goodwill and the Vintage Market are my favorite places to shop.