Christian Bryant

Hometown: Charlotte, NC
Degree: BA in Dance Performance and Choreography & Theory and a Bachelor in Criminal Justice
Graduation Year: 2025
How did you first get interested in dance?
I was introduced to dance at the age of 6. My parents were a big influence in helping me find my love for dance. My parents danced in the church when I was little, that is how I was initially introduced to how dance and the performing arts could move an audience. I began performing on stage at the age of 8 and have loved it ever since.
What kind of career do you hope to have?
After college, I would like to join a dance company or become a commercial dancer. I also hope to eventually become an artistic director. I hope to take my knowledge of criminal justice and use it to help me as a precursor for digital forensics or law school.
What is your favorite thing about the Department of Dance?
What I love about the dance department, is that it feels like a big family. Everyone in the department is so welcoming and supportive. I enjoy how the department provides opportunities for students to better themselves.
Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts community?
I am an employee at Charlotte Ballet. I am a resident advisor for their summer intensive program. I help with organizing, facilitating, and supervising students staying in housing while attending the summer intensive program.
When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
When I have free time, I enjoy hanging out with my friends. I love exploring restaurants, playing video games, binging TV shows and catching up on movies.