Caroline Wingerd

Hometown: Cary, NC
BFA in Art with a concentration in Print Media
How did you first get interested in art?
Creative pursuits have always surrounded me. My dad is always up to some strange project in the garage, and my mom encouraged avid reading from a young age. Even my siblings both love art and their miscellaneous creative outlets. It wasn’t until high school that I realized I wanted to seriously pursue an art career. Art poses the most unique challenges, has the ability to effect real change, and is simply what I want to do everyday.
What kind of career do you hope to have?
I honestly don’t know yet- which is a hard feat for someone who loves to plan out every detail of my life, but I try not to care too much. Within the arts, I have found that opportunities come up when you least expect them and it’s best to let go of reservations and simply take what you can and see where you find yourself next. Maybe I will spend a few years in miscellaneous residencies and studios, end up in grad school, find myself teaching, or live somewhere across the ocean doing who knows what, we will just have to wait and see.
What is your favorite thing about the Department of Art & Art History?
I couldn’t be more grateful for the mentorship I have received from the faculty in the Art and Art History Department. From guidance in my art to new opportunities to life advice, I know I have grown a lot as an individual and artist in my time here.
Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts community?
Whenever my schedule allows, I volunteer with The Bulb Mobile Markets here in Charlotte. Their mission is to bring accessible, fresh produce to the Charlotte community. As of last semester, The Bulb occasionally hosts markets on campus. Keep your eyes open for the next one and save your grocery bags, berry containers, and egg cartons so they can be recycled at markets!
Can you talk about your experience as a scholarship student?
Being a part of the Levine Scholar Program has pushed me to dream bigger and go farther than I might have on my own. Because of their funding, I was able to spend the spring semester of 2023 studying at the E.G. Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław, Poland. While there, I had the opportunity to study new mediums and co-curate an exhibition of the work of my Erasmus+ peers. Before I graduate, I will also have the opportunity to apply for and use a grant for civic engagement in a project of my choice.
When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
When I’m not working in miscellaneous studios, you can find me out at Rec. Field 12. As of last semester, I started playing rugby on our Women’s Club Rugby team and I absolutely love it.