DJ Cook

B.A. Communication Studies with a concentration in Media and Technology and Minors in Theatre, French
Hometown: Mooresville, NC
Graduation Year: 2025
How did you first get interested in theatre?
I’ve always enjoyed watching theatre as an audience member. My mom is a big enjoyer of the performing arts and instilled this appreciation in me from a young age. Throughout my childhood, we had season tickets to Davison Community Players. Since then, I’ve continued to love watching shows. I’ve seen over 30 Broadway touring productions during my time in college alone.
I started working in theatre by complete chance. My first semester of college, I applied to work as an electrician for the theatre department with zero experience in theatrical lighting. My supervisor, production electrician Rick Moll, decided to take a chance on me, and the rest is history! Now, I spend as much time as I can in the department: taking classes, working on shows as an electrician, or designing for dance and theatre productions.
What kind of career do you hope to have?
I want to be a lighting designer, particularly for dance, theatre, and musicals.
What is your favorite thing about The department of Theatre?
I love how hands on I get to be! I’ve worked on 16 UNC Charlotte theatre/dance productions thus far as an electrician, deck crew, light board operator, sound board operator, follow spot coordinator, or lighting designer. I hope to be involved in some capacity in all of the productions this upcoming school year, my senior year, as well.
I also love how connected our professors are with the Charlotte community-at-large. For example, through Rick Moll, I’ve gotten work opportunities at Charlotte Ballet and with IATSE 322.
Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts community?
I work as a local stagehand for IATSE 322 on concerts and touring theatre productions in the city of Charlotte at venues such as the Belk Theatre, Knight Theatre, Spectrum Center, Bank of America Stadium, and PNC Music Pavilion. I’ve also worked on a handful of productions as an ASM or sound board operator at Charlotte Ballet.
How has your scholarship benefited you?
I am a Levine Scholar. The Levine Scholarship has been an enormous blessing, allowing me to pursue whatever area of study of my interest without worry of financials. Additionally, the Levine family is a huge supporter of the arts in Charlotte. Through them, I’ve had the opportunity to see dozens of shows in uptown Charlotte, such as Broadway tours, Charlotte Ballet dance performances, and plays at Theatre Charlotte. I am incredibly thankful for their prioritization and support of the arts. It’s helped me see its worth, as well.
When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
I love to travel; I’ve done three study abroad programs in my time at UNC Charlotte (Costa Rica, South Africa, and France). I also love photography, swimming, playing music, and playing chess.