Madinah F. Hamidullah, PhD

Associate Professor at Rutgers University, Newark, NJ

Bachelor of Arts in Dance and Political Science, UNC Charlotte (2003)
Master of Public Administration, UNC Charlotte (2005) 
PhD in Public Administration and Policy, University of Georgia (2009)

Hometown: Durham, NC

“I’ve always loved dance,” Madinah Hamidullah says. “My older sisters were enrolled in dance classes, and I wanted to do everything they did! I think was four or five and trying to take their classes. Luckily, because my mom already had two girls in a children’s dance company, I was able to join early.” 

Years and several degrees later, Madinah is an associate professor at Rutgers University, Newark, in the School of Public Affairs and Administration.

“I teach courses and conduct research on government and nonprofit organizations.”

Although her graduate degrees are in public administration, Madinah stayed connected to her dance roots. “While I was in graduate school at the University of Georgia I taught dance and preformed with a local dance studio.”

Madinah says that her education at UNC Charlotte prepared her for the career she has now. “My education at UNC Charlotte set a foundation that I continue to build upon today. It helped me learn to ask questions and to seek answers to issues and problems that I observe in my community. It also reinforced the need for action, service and being an engaged citizen in society.”

She offers some great advice to current College of Arts + Architecture students. “Don’t be afraid to use your gifts, talents and passions!”