Celia Castaldo

Degree: BFA 3D Interdisciplinary Studies and BA Art History
Graduation Year: 2025
Hometown: Walnut Cove, NC
How did you first get interested in art?
My mother is an artist so I have been around the arts my whole life. I did theater as a teenager, but I didn’t start participating in visual arts until I was an adult. In 2018, I began working as a glassblowing (scientific lampworking and then later hot glass) apprentice and stumbled into the interdisciplinary world of sculpture there!
What kind of career do you hope to have?
In the past, I have worked in galleries, on production teams, in scenic design studios, and in educational roles. Being in the arts world, I anticipate having several different “careers” throughout my life. In the short term, I want to spend some time in residencies before I go to graduate school, and after graduate school, I can see myself working for an academic institution in some capacity.
What is your favorite thing about the College of Arts + Architecture?
I appreciate the creative freedom I get to exercise because of my interdisciplinary concentration, the great faculty that I have had the pleasure of working with, and the intelligent creatives I get to interact with daily!
Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts community?
Currently, I am in a show at Goodyear Arts that will run during late February entitled “To Be Consumed”. I am also a student editor for the ETHEL Undergraduate Research Journal!
When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
My primary purely-for-fun outlet right now is playing Dungeons and Dragons. I also find a lot of pleasure in cooking, hiking, tennis, yoga, and basking in the sun.