Rebecca Cotrone

Hometown: Brown Summit, NC
Degree: B.M in Instrumental Music Education
Graduation Year: 2027
How did you first get interested in music?
I didn’t grow up in a musical family, so my first musical introduction was watching the nearby high school bands march in the Greensboro Winter Parade. I started playing the tuba in sixth grade, which is where my true love for creating music blossomed. My passion for jazz and learning new instruments developed in high school, where I had an extremely positive and supportive band director who was a guide for growing my overall musicality and an example for my future career as a band director.
What kind of career do you hope to have?
I hope to have a long career as a middle or high school band director, where I can make a lasting impact and connect with all of my students and their families. I plan on being a supportive and positive role model for my students both musically and outside of academics.
What is your favorite thing about the Department of Music?
My favorite opportunity that the Department of Music offers is companionship. The entire department is excellent in providing individual support to students, building community, and providing opportunities for student relationship growth.
Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts community?
I currently serve as a member of the Chair’s Advisory Council for the music department at UNC Charlotte where we work to improve the music department and buildings that host us. I am also a member of the Pride of Niner Nation Marching Band which not only performs at football games and school events, but various places across the community such as high school competitions and other gigs.
What’s one thing you have gained from your scholarship?
I have been extremely thankful to receive The Charles and Clara Stone Scholarship, Jim and Jamie Self Tuba Scholarship, The Chancellor’s Scholarship, and marching band scholarships. As a result of these generous scholarships, I have been able to attend numerous musical performances along with purchasing my own instrument accessories.
When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
When I am not working academically, I am somewhere outdoors. Whether that is hiking, playing sports, or swimming, I have always enjoyed living an active lifestyle. I love to spend time with both the friends I’ve made in the music department here at UNC Charlotte and my family which includes my four younger siblings.