Payton Eaves

Hometown: Gastonia, NC
Degree: BA In Architecture
Graduation Year: 2027
How did you first get interested in architecture?
I’ve loved design my whole life! I put together Legos or made “cities” for my dolls, and I always knew I wanted to make things. The idea of being an architect came when I toured Charlotte and learned about their architecture program. From then on it became my passion, I have both shadowed and worked at a firm for some time now and it is truly what I want to do for the rest of my life.
What kind of career do you hope to have?
I hope to practice architecture in a firm for the beginning years of my career to gain experience and knowledge. After that, I have an interest in either owning my own firm or teaching, maybe even both!
What is your favorite thing about The David R. Ravin School of Architecture?
Since I started to attend Charlotte and began to be involved with the Architecture community, I fell in love with the connections you make with not only your fellow peers but with the professors, and how close knit the community is.
Do you participate in any community activities or work in the Charlotte arts community?
Last year and this year, I have been one of the Student Representatives for my year. I truly value this position because I’m a leader for my specific community, and I can tackle the challenges and issues that arise and face them head on with my peers supporting me.
When you are not in class, studying, or working, what do you like to do for fun?
I love going to concerts and exploring new places, listening to music, and watching films and crocheting which are other passions I have!