Gabriella Pelkey
Printmaker and studio manager for painter Tunji Adeniyi-Jones, New York

Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art with a concentration in Print Media, UNC Charlotte (2015)
For six years after she graduated from UNC Charlotte, Gabriella Pelkey worked as an art print tech at Kayrock Screenprinting in Brooklyn, New York, working with clients such as Robert Lazzarini. Beginning in 2018, she also worked with Gagosian gallery to print work for artist Jonas Wood and after leaving Kayrock, worked for two years directly with artist Mickalene Thomas.
Still in New York, Gabriella is now a studio manager for Tunji Adeniyi-Jones, coordinating his schedule, working with clients and handlers, and running the on-site gallery.
Printmaking professor Erik Waterkotte invited Gabriela and her colleague Lauren Ernst to collaboratively submit work along with him for the Generations exhibition in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Department of Art & Art History. Together they created a shadowboxed abstraction that combines elements of their individual work.
“Erik gave both of us the opportunity to assist with his grant research, monitor the studio, and basically be teaching assistants, which is a rare opportunity to have in an undergraduate program,” Gabriela and Lauren told Jim Frakes, associate professor of art history. “Though neither of us went on to become academic teachers, our teaching styles/approach to lessons in the workplace can be attributed to his guidance. The fact that he has kept in touch with both of us nearly ten years after graduating speaks volumes to his dedication as a mentor and teacher.”