
Professor of Architecture Eric Sauda and School of Architecture alumni Alireza Karduni and Ginette Wessel recently published their book, Social…

Audrey Ipapo Baran ’03, dance alum and visiting assistant professor of dance, is one of four recipients of the Joffrey…

Architecture graduate student Christina Slotkowski was recently awarded First Prize in the Re-imagining the Artefact student competition for her entry…

Feature story about the Phil Freelon exhibition created by School of Architecture faculty and students. The Charlotte Observer

Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles has appointed Associate Professor of Architecture and Urban Design Nadia Anderson to the newly formed Charlotte…

Assistant Professor of Dance Tamara Williams is one of 25 artists whose work is included in Black@Intersection: Contemporary Black Voices…

A group of urban design and architecture students have transformed the basketball courts at Alexander Street Park into vibrant street…

Associate Professor of Architecture Jefferson Ellinger’s book, Philosophical Difference and Advanced Computation in Architectural Theory: From Less to More was…

The Graphic Design program, the Department of Art & Art History, and the College of Arts + Architecture wish to…

The night the exhibition Container/Contained: Phil Freelon – Design Strategies for Telling African American Stories opened at the Harvey B….

The International Downtown Association recently awarded an International Award of Excellence for Planning, Design and Infrastructure to a team from…

Student Kira Wagner has been named the North Carolina state representative for 2021-2022 Music Teachers National Association (MTNA) Young Artist…